Welcome to Tales of Durango. Please join Lefty and me as we reminisce a bit about the place we've been exploring on the photoblog for the last few months.
We first met Lefty when he and his buddy stopped in town on the way west. Durango was a good place to spend their pay before rejoining the men and moving out once again the next morning.
"Pancho and Lefty"...

"Theme from an Imaginary Western"......

08/17/2005, 2212
Music trivia on Daynotes
Our next visit was on one of those hot, dry days with the sun beating down on the town and with the wind promising a sandstorm. ...or at least that was the likely reason for all the windows being shuttered on Main Street.

08/24/2005, 0010
One week we took a look at some craftsmanship we found displayed on one building...
Relief work...

08/28/2005, 2359
...watched the moon set on the town one morning,
Moon set in Durango...

09/01/2005, 0100
...and the sun do the same later that evening.
Sunset in Durango...

09/01/2005, 2300
We've looked at the architecture and at the gardens...
Noon in Durango...
The old theatre...

Wild roses...

09/13/2005, 0003
...spent an afternoon looking through the windows at some of the history of the place,
Sunday afternoon in Durango...
(Through the windows)

09/25/2005, 0005
...and looked closely at some of the bits and pieces we've found there.
Details from Durango...

10/15/2005, 2359
Alas, like El Dorado, this Durango does not exist, except in that special place I've been able to invoke in your mind. The reality of Durango is that of a restaurant sitting in front of a strip mall, a restaurant that closed a year ago and never met the promised reopening date.
Last call (a year later)...

I wandered by one day this Summer and noticed the murals on the outside walls. They drew me in and I've made several shoots since then, converting microcosms of the views there into larger images in your minds. I hope you've enjoyed the journey; it's been an interesting exploration for me also.