Days of Mourning: September, 2001

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My ghosts have been walking again...

That's the first line from the story I alluded to on the main site yesterday. It's not starting its existence here as a post as it's not for everyone. In the story, I speak as an ex-fireman and ex-paramedic; some of the imagery I use may not be the best thing for your psyche if you are sensitized right now by the events and aftermath of Tuesday, September 11, 2001.

On the other hand, even though I started it as a personal exercise, it may help someone else out there to understand themselves or the men and women working on the ruins in New York and Washington.

9/14/2001 5:25:28 PM

Yeah, yeah; I'm no artist...

But I had a coupla' left over pictures...

So... By way of apology for the Flash animation, here's a sampler of some of the really good stuff out there today:

Words on religious tolerance and terrorism
from Hal's Abbot

Mike Donellan's page today
at blackholebrain

User Friendly
9/14/01 9:14:56 AM


Give it a moment while the Flash loads...

9/14/2001 12:00:23 AM

Any thoughts on that?
Friday 9/14/2001 12:00:01 AM

I got to thinking...

Days of Mourning: September, 2001

9/12/01 12:37:59 PM


That's a good word. ...and how I spent some of my day yesterday. that autopilot mode I learned so many years ago when I joined the fire service. The mode that says, "Ace the emotions; this and this need to happen to make sure things continue to function..."

...and you need that numb to get you through grabbing for the live one you can still hear breathing under the bodies jumbled in the rolled-over car. ...and to try and get a line in the baby the guy from the engine company just carried from the burning house. ...and to keep yourself under control so you can treat the drunken driver who just killed the eleven year old boy and is on the stretcher above that boy's mother for the two hour trip to the hospital.

But sooner or later, you have to let things start to flow again. ...and maybe not be near people when it happens. garret was kind enough to link the Five Stages of Mourning for us. Make sure you know where you are on that scale for the next few days whenever you're speaking or writing...

I know where I am now: in what Shelley calls my "medic mode", that place I get when there's a job to be done and I just need to get it completed as best I can to maximize my patient's chances of survival. ...and my own. I'll get out of that mode in time, but right now there's business to be conducted.

Understanding the issues here is essential: read the blogs and the news analyses. Read the overseas editions and get a feel for things from another point of view. ...if you haven't been doing that before, now is the time to start. Become an informed person; understand what is happening and what is at stake. Discount the full-blown rhetoric; that's just another agenda from another axe-grinder. Get the facts, but find out how people feel about the issues. ...from a coupla' different perspectives. It's important folks: the winds of change are blowing; you need to get a eye on the direction.

Browsing the blogs, I ended up posting to Dave Roger's discussion group last night as I felt he'd missed one element in his analysis yesterday. My words merely provide an overview; there's plenty of other commentary out there that covers things much better than I can.

I still came away from the day with a massive load of sadness. ...both for the loss of lives and for the loss of innocence. It's still an abstraction to some...

...and you know what? I'd like to to stay that way for them. People shouldn't have to watch others plummet to their deaths. ...and Shelley and you and you shouldn't have to watch those horrified people on the tube. Yeah, the kids will sleep okay; it's the adults that will have a time of it.

...and back over in Dave's DG, I find Hal filed just before I did. ...and with a thought I can go with:

The collective we, and I suspect there will likely be consensus on this, will have to be sure of who we are going after and then eliminate them with as much emotion as you sic the cats on a granary full of rats.

Yeah... A call to vengeance is one thing, as that is the realm of Another; but to clear out the rats to prevent the spread of plague....

I'm sorry, Noah; I do agree with you. But this is a plague...

...and the vaccines aren't working.

9/12/2001 12:56:17 AM

Any thoughts on that?
Wednesday 9/12/2001 12:55:23 AM

September 11, 2001

I called my mother on the way to work; I wanted to know how it felt in December, 1941.

...turns out things still work the same: back then, whoever heard about Pearl Harbor from the radio called their relatives and friends and passed the word along. She hadn't turned the news on yet...

I received my notification from the Daynotes back-channel mailing list and turned on the TV to see an emergency worker's nightmare: an un-defendable (for fire fighting) building on fire. ...and later collapsing onto those staging from the areas below the building.

At least it was quick for many of them...

9/11/01 8:44:49 AM

Any thoughts on that?
Tuesday 9/11/01 8:31:14 AM

Okay, I like web links that are fun...

...and this is fun!

Thanks, garret

9/10/2001 5:21:29 PM

The proper response would be, "Huh???"

...from anyone who lived through that era<g>.

Number one: Blind Faith.

Number two: Iron Butterfly's In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida

Thanks for the memories, Kitty...

9/10/01 1:32:02 PM

Any thoughts on that?
Monday 9/10/01 1:07:39 PM

The weather report...

Well, we may be done with the century mark for the season. ...or at least for a while. The last part of the week's been in the mid-nineties; today we barely broke ninety.

I doubt that's it, but the cool nights are dropping the pool temperature and I'm going to finally be able to cut the sprinkler times back.

...but now it's time for the grape farmers to start to sweat, heat or not: they need the rain to hold off a few more weeks to allow the raisins to dry.

9/9/2001 9:01:25 PM

Any thoughts on that?
Sunday 9/9/2001 8:53:49 PM

Whew... What a game!

Down 20-10 at the half, the 'Dogs score sixteen points in the first few minutes of the second half on the way to a 32-20 win over the Badgers of Wisconsin...

Oh, yeah: a life...

I'll consider getting one.

...later on in the season<g>.

9/8/2001 1:15:04 PM

College Football at its Finest!

Good Luck, Kitty

9/8/2001 9:12:41 AM

Any thoughts on that?
Saturday 9/8/2001 9:08:02 AM


Copyright 2001 by
Daniel C. Bowman