Mixed Media...
9/19/2003, 2359
Any thoughts on that?
Something for another project...
But I thought maybe you'd like it also...
9/18/2003, 2253
Onesome: Darwin's- Hmm... Ever run across someone who could be a Darwin awards candidate? Can you share your story? If not, what's your favorite story (true or not)? Hmmm... I'd have to give serious consideration to the guy who pulled up and parked his car in the crosswalk while I was waiting to pick up my oldest from the school dance tonight. I mean, he's blocking the crosswalk the kids are going to use in just a few minutes and law enforcement is right on the other end of the walkway. He moved...
Twosome: Survival of- What kicks you into survival mode during the week? Kids? School? Driving? Spouse (nope, better leave that one alone!) The News? What makes you yearn for your next break? Lately? Homework. Yep, all day at work and all evening at home is making Jack a real dull boy...
Threesome: the Fittest- Hey, how are you doing in the fitness wars? Are you the drill sergeant leading the troops on the five mile hikes or are you the person waiting back at camp with the chips and dip ready for when they come to their senses? Well, other than trying to blade every day, and some yoga every day, I basically spend my time not moving a whole lot. ...or so it seems.
How about you? Let us know, over on The Back Porch...
Any thoughts on that?
Reflection in repose...
9/17/2003, 2351
Any thoughts on that?
Still blooming...
9/16/2003, 2359
Any thoughts on that?
(...and a day.)
Makes this!
I know, it's overkill; but man, those are cool blooms!
9/15/2003, 2330Peace...
I don't often do religious photos, but every so often one comes along during a shoot...
9/15/2003, 2306
Any thoughts on that?
By way of showing how pinkish-orange the light from the setting sun was against the oleander last night, here's a morning shot:
(We get the pink sunsets from the dust in the air here. Pretty, but hard on people with breathing problems.)
9/13/2003, 1538
...during homework today (looking for adjectives for a book report):
"Well, what color was the dog?"
"Kinda' hard to tell, Mom, he's invisible"
9/13/2003, 1414
(...and a day.)
Makes this!
The oleander is one of the more malinged bushes out this way; they have reputation as a 'dirty looking' plant since the blossoms often burn from the intense heat. Still, they are readily used for landscaping and borders as they are exceptionally hardy.
And they're not much to look at, unless the setting sun happens to catch things just right...
9/14/2003, 0137Any thoughts on that?