Harvest time...

09/23/2005, 2359
Onesome - Gunning - What is it that you have been gunning for lately? Me? A little time to get caught up!
Twosome - Down - What brings you down? When I try to get something accomplished and have the process blocked by something outside my control...
Threesome - Romance - What's the most romantic movie scene you can recall? Are there any scenes that get your heart-a-fluttering? Ah, hearing the soundtrack from Somewhere in Time still can make my brain trip out and lose cognitive function for a while... As to one scene from anything? Oh, man... Nope, I can't narrow it down...
How about you? Let us know, over on The Back Porch...
09/23/2005, 2359
Live masking...

09/22/2005, 0030
Any thoughts on that?

09/21/2005, 0047
Any thoughts on that?
One last shot from that series...
...and then we'll move on:

09/20/2005, 0035
Any thoughts on that?
Monday's rose...

09/19/2005, 0040
Any thoughts on that?
"Puttin' on the Ritz" (construction style)...
Top caps

Green ties

...and Nails

...with apologies to Fred and Ginger (and Peter Boyle too!)
Okay, your Secret Decoder Ring is here...
09/18/2005, 0002Any thoughts on that?
Did I mention he had company?

09/17/2005, 2229

09/17/2005, 0132
Any thoughts on that?