The weather report...

02/23/2007, 0010
Any thoughts on that?
Onesome: Coffee--? ...or no? Black? Starbucks Cinnamon Dolce? Homeground beans (that you roasted)? Tea? Green? No? Water? What is your "sip of choice" right now? I think I've OD'd on that Cinnamon Dolce stuff... I'm back to white mocha for a while.
Twosome: "In my-- wildest dreams there's no way I would ever even consider _______!" Skydiving. Nope, no way...
Threesome: Lap--top or desktop? Which is your choice for hanging around on the net? ...or your choice if you had one? Desktop(s). ...although sometimes I do like to sit back on the couch with the laptop...
How about you? Let us know, over on The Back Porch...


02/22/2007, 0005
Any thoughts on that?
Garden flare...

Mouseover for a closeup...
02/21/2007, 0003
Any thoughts on that?
Room with a view...

02/20/2007, 0002
Any thoughts on that?
Monday's rose...

02/19/2007, 0010
Any thoughts on that?
Daffs in a row...

02/18/2007, 2359
Any thoughts on that?
Shadowplay in green...

02/17/2007, 0002
Any thoughts on that?