Two more images for what may turn into another gallery:

Any thoughts on that?
Thursday Threesome...
Onesome. Livin. Livin La Vida Loca. Oh, for goodness sake. What pop song do you love to sing along with but don't want to admit it? Oh, man, I just so don't listen to pop music. ...but there are one or two cuts on the new Celine Dion album that I'll admit to turning up when the office door is closed and going for it with...
Twosome. a Charmed. Charmed, did you say? Come now, are you superstitious? Do you buy into lucky charms and signs and such? Not really. ...but I do believe rocks should be 'planted' in the same manner flowers and trees are, as far as where they belong and how deep they should be sunk. I have a coupla' friends who feel the same way <g>!
Threesome. Life. Let's play the game of Life. Or is it Monopoly? What is your alltime favorite board game? Come on, tell us what you like about it... Scrabble. Hands down. We used to play it at my parents house. ...and somewhere I have my board that rotates. I can't wait until the boys are old enough to play. Why? Because it's one game I can actually win at!
How about you?
5/16/2002 7:30:15 AMAny thoughts on that?
Communities form and coalesce, grow and diverge, remain together and drift apart. Events occur that drive the flow of the community and sometimes events disrupt that flow...
Very occasionally an event occurs that throws a community into a furnace raging with the very fires of Hades. ...and even less often that community returns from that journey tempered to a strength that cannot be broken.
Friendships... Bonds... Trust...
(If you aren't sure what this post is about, that's okay... It's simply an attempt at closure...)
5/15/02 3:11:58 PMAny thoughts on that?
Working with a .8megapixel camera has some serious limitations. ...but I think you can get the idea.

Speaking of people...
Deb posted a link to a post of hers from about this time last year. It's about people and how they choose to surround themselves with similar or dissimilar people. I really liked her quilt analogy. ...and I decided to take a look at my window to the world, my portal. Cool... I have a very nicely diverse quilt stitched together there. ...and with room for more<g>.
Related: Jerry Pournelle attributes this one to his buddy and writing partner, Larry Niven: "I don't require that my friends like each other..."
5/14/02 4:49:46 PMDo you like people stories??? told by someone who knows people?
Yeah, I thought so...
5/14/02 4:29:49 PMKidbits...
"Dad, I think I'm going to skip my vacuuming this morning... I want to save my strength. We have to run a mile at school today; and if we don't make it in time, we have to run it every day this week. ...and I think something else will happen."
Likely a plague of locusts...
5/14/02 10:20:30 AMAny thoughts on that?
...and needing something positive on the ledger before I head off to bed: Over on the Daynotes site, I've just posted a bit about the 'homework from hell' assignment that's been having such a negative influence on our family. ...and I need a change of pace.
So I bounced over here. The nice thing about hanging around with you guys is that I can always find something bright and cheery just by looking around a bit. F'rinstance, it looks like Deb's about to go to some new summer colors.
...and I guess I should go find my socks: Patti has knocked them off once again!
...and I found a little snowflake drifting along in the breeze a little while ago.
See what I mean?
Much better... G'night!
5/14/2002 12:29:13 AMAny thoughts on that?
Random thoughts...
...while on a morning blade:
The traffic pattern is really different on a Sunday morning: less cars, which I would expect, but many, many people are out walking their dogs. ...many more than yesterday.
Cars parked around houses I didn't expect... Like the one whose inhabitant I've never seen, the one with the immaculate garden. Must be quite a mother's day gathering...
It's somehow quieter than it is in the work week evenings; I can clearly hear the sound of my wheels against the asphalt. Then again, I may not be on as much of a sensory overload as I am after work...
5/12/2002 12:12:27 PMYeah, that splash page is for you!!!
...and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you!
Let's see... Did I forget anyone?
Love to you all!
5/12/2002 12:03:48 PMAny thoughts on that?
Capitalism at work...
Ninety-nine percent of the wealth is controlled by fifty percent of the family...

He wants a new bike. Dad has a few spare bucks. Dad would rather not weed...
A matching grant is available from the MommyFund.
Easy math...
5/11/2002 2:32:56 PMPut me in, coach!

Yeah, from outfield to catcher Monday night. ...and tonight he started at catcher. Not the best stance, but he's got some great lateral moves...
5/11/2002 1:43:03 AMToken male???
5/11/2002 1:03:18 AM
Late night bloggin'...
...had a near-blog experience a while ago. Bran updated her page linkage once again (let's see... The next one should be in eighteen hours or so <g>) so I pulled my portal page in and updated and sent it back up and checked it and it didn't update so I sent it again and checked it again and it still didn't work and so I looked and found that I'd mis-saved it here as my base page and I'd just over-written it twice locally and twice on the server and posted it twice which pretty much took care of any hope of finding any temp files and "Oh, my" and all that...
Which meant the last two weeks of stuff was gone...
Thank goodness I haven't set the Win2k machine for no caching yet. Maybe I'd best leave it that way...
5/11/2002 12:37:26 AMAny thoughts on that?