Onesome: Rings- Hmmm.. How are you about jewelry? Do you wear any? ...none? What is your day to day complement. ...and what one particular piece do you save for special occasions? Let's see, one wedding band, 24x7x365. Nothing else. I do have a watch Shelley gave me when we were married that I will wear on occasion (I gave up watches after I taught a stress management seminar a few years back).
Twosome: Things- Ah, and how about those 'things' about the place? You know, the ones that you cannot throw out, but don't seem to really have a place of their own... Where do they end up? The Drawer? ...or do you have a better place for those bits of randomness that just seem to show up now and again? One drawer in the kitchen, one bookcase in the living room, one window seat in the dining room, one shelf in the bedrooom, one attic, one garage, one outside storage shed... Shall I go on?
Threesome: and fine array- Okay, so Summer's here (except in the Land Down Under)... What is your "fine array" to clothe yourself in for the next few months? Do you still maintain? ...or do you 'go native' with vengence? Hmmmm??? Summer: shorts (preferable swim trunks) and a tank top. ...sandals if I go out. Okay, a pullover top for church...
How about you? What are you up to this week? Let us know, over on The Back Porch...

Any thoughts on that?
For Catherine...
...dusk proper. This is the time God walks in His garden and views His flowers.

But her petals! No more beauteous in their virgin blush than when they curl inward and begin to build a hip,

No more wondrous in their most flagrant, perfect, sensual beauty than when they curl outward again in their proud imperfections, their purpose manifest
Her words, my translation...
Go read...
(Gracious permission to reproduce her original work granted by
Catherine Jamieson)

06/25/2003, 1530
Any thoughts on that?

06/24/2003, 2359
Any thoughts on that?
Life in the central valley...
There's a little local, topical humor up over on the Daynotes pages...
06/23/2003, 0042Resting...

...more or less a companion piece to "Twilight Gradient" from last week.
06/23/2003, 0013Any thoughts on that?
Yesterday, Brad and I took off to the street where the Snail Lady lives so I could take the index picture for Vanishing Points (her place starts just past where I have "Points" placed on the graphic). ...but see that shadow on the roadway at the very top? That's cast by a gorgeous mimosa...

Pinks and whites and greens...

I mean, Brad was collecting shiny things from the field next door... What else should I do?

Sorry, I couldn't make up my mind which one to use <g>...
06/22/2003, 2350Any thoughts on that?
Speaking of birds...
The last two evenings I've bladed, I've had company for a time. No, not humans, some new found avian friends...
Just past the Snail Lady's house, there's a field fenced in chain link. I'm guessing the fence line runs a good 500 feet or so. The other night I came up to it to find a flock of sparrows perched amongst the wires. As I came closer, the entire bunch flew ahead to another section of wire. When I caught up to them, they repeated their performance. ...and kept at it as we moved along.
The never moved behind me, only ahead. ...and once they reached the end of the fence they just stopped and waited. Most strange. I thought about mentioning it here, but hey, enough is enough sometimes. ...until it happened again last night. Same deal: 'following ahead'...
...but it did remind me that I'd promised someone I'd collect some of my blading stories at one place. Done. ...and now you can find out who the Snail Lady is!

06/22/2003, 0033
Any thoughts on that?