Sunrises..., Early one morning -->posted in Photo Prose (1/28/2007)
I'm thinking of sunrises and why they are so...

I'd shoot you a photo.., Musings on a Sunday night-->posted in Writings (11/26/2006)
I'd shoot you a photo, but then I'd have to get up...
At the Door..., A cautionary tale -->posted in Concepts (10/31/2006)
"A mantis chick?" "Here?" "You've got to be kidding me..."....

A hilltop moment..., Capturing time -->posted in Photo Prose (8/8/2006)
A writer's walk, no longer quiet....

Home again..., The return trip -->posted in Photo Prose (7/13/2006)
Really, what is there to think about coming back to after ten days of cool weather, ocean scenes ...

Clouds..., Seeing -->posted in Photo Prose (4/12/2006)
We see inside; we see beyond...

Clouds of Grey, One rainy day -->posted in Photo Prose (3/6/2006)
...the rain drives 'gainst all.

Fading Season, one last evening walk -->posted in Photo Prose (11/4/2005)
In one day's time, the hours shift...

Tales of Durango, A fantasy -->posted in Photo Prose (10/21/2005)
We first met Lefty when he and his buddy stopped in town after...

Art Appreciation, old memory resurfaces -->posted in Concepts (10/18/2005)
Without the poem as a reference, allusions to abstract art just went wafting on by...
The A-2 is what I consider to be my first 'real' digital camera...

Assimilation, The new kittens-->posted in Photo Prose (05/27/05)
...and generally treating the house as a WWF ring as they tumble about.

Seeing things, ... but with just a twist. -->posted in Concepts (5/12/2005) (requires Flash)
A ninety degree rotation;
and vision takes flight...
RunTunTun, Memories of a friend-->posted in Photo Prose (05/05/05)
We lost the cat who would sleep with each child until the kid fell asleep and then wander out and let you know he'd kept him company until then...

Pictures in words, When you can't take the shot-->posted in Writings (05/05/05)
As I travelled the the freeway into work the other day, I noticed a crow making arcing passes toward the college's farm road that parallels the freeway as it dips below the mean surface level before rising again past the sports center...

Freeform, a reformat of an older blog post (07/11/03)-->posted in Photo Prose (04/18/05)
Angels, fragile ones, trapped behind glass
Angels, open to the world, wearing cloaks of lichen and moss...
Marble work, lost forever, save smallest of plant life keeps the artist's work alive.

Derivations, What others do with my work... -->posted in Concepts (updated 6/12/2005)
Every so often someone asks if they may use one of the photos from the photoblog either as posted or in its original form. Here is what some people have done with some of them...
Colophon, The why of it all... -->posted in Concepts (4/11/2005)
The purpose of TimeSinkViews is two-fold: the obvious one is to find a way to bring some coherency and order to things; I think she's accomplished that rather nicely (although I'm now tasked with bringing even more under this umbrella). The second is to free me up to be able to do more of the types of things that don't fit into the established formats of the daynotes or the photoblog pages...
Lavender, A lavender rose as a desktop -->Posted in Galleries-->Desktops (4/11/05)
(available in 800x600 and 1024x768)
On the fence, memories of a photo walk (11/30/2004)-->Posted in Favorites (04/01/05)
While I was checking out the rain damaged blooms on the bushes there, Brad climbed up on the traffic barrier to scope out the field. ...and I grabbed the moment and the shot...
Heading over to Cayucos, a photo update to an older blog post (08/08/03)-->posted in Photo Prose (04/01/05)
The music had changed to Chris LeDoux's live album from 1997; it was much more appropriate for the vast spaces of the Central Valley and the brown hills lining its western side. The sun was riding low and throwing shadows from one hill onto the next in a cascading effect...
Monumental, Lyrics matched to an image... -->posted in PhotoProse (03/31/05) (fomatted for: 1024x768)
Tulips, a study in vision... -->posted in Concepts (03/31/05)